Tuesday, July 10, 2012

WGBH Arts: James Aponovich: A 52 Week Painting Marathon

Three Pears in A Glass Bowl, Tuscany /week # 29
James Aponovich

We heard this morning that WGBH Boston has done an online review of the year long painting project that James painted his way through over the period of 52 weeks.
Below are a few images of that project, that is now on exhibit at Clark Gallery in Lincoln, MA.
There is a link at the bottom of the page where you can click on to read Mary Tinti's thoughts and views on Aponovich 52 in her WGBH ARTS review.

James Aponovich
Sebasco Nasturtiums, week #27

These are some of the 52 paintings created by James Aponovich during his year long project.."painting in a time based arena". Some are of place, as these nasturtiums that were painted during a short stay in Maine last summer.

These two pears are the first painting .....the painting that set this project in motion.
The idea for the painting- a- week- project at a time when the entire economy was struggling and the art market was "in irons"......just not going anywhere. So, James decided to give himself this challenge and to paint the things, people and places that he wanted to paint.
Why not?

An interior from an apartment in Rome, an unusual subject for James. You just never know where or when an inspiration or visual impact will occur.
To read more.....

click on the link below.

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