Sunday, March 30, 2014

Check List......Complete!

 There is a list on my desk that James and I have been working on all week in preparation for a trip to Italy. It's been too long since we have been , all with our move of a year ago, james preparing for the show he had last October at Hirschl and Adler, NYC, and on top of that I just put up a show at Clark Gallery in Lincoln, MA. 
So now, we are preparing to go to Italy, but first there are many things to do.

~ Delivery last painting to framer........Check
~ Make sure House-sitter knows where everything is..........check
~ Make list for house-sitter of important numbers and give key..........check
~Talk with Kiki, the gardener,..................check
~ leave out towels & sheets, etc guestroom..............check ( almost forgot!)
~pay bills.......check
~ meet w/ our friend and builder John about a small project ..........check
~go to P.O. to hold mail............check
~ find some matching pairs of socks...................check

the list is longer but we have managed to check off everything!
So now we dream of Italy, and it is just a matter of time before we are standing in this piazza!

Piazza Umberto Primo, Panicale

Ci vediamo a presto!

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