Monday, February 22, 2016

COUNTDOWN..........Umbria calling

James and I are making lists. More items are being added to these lists than checked off! One of  the lists is all the things to do before we depart and the other is a list of things to pack. There is a third list to give to our house sitters with phone numbers, and other useful information that they probably won't need.

I just finished doing taxes. "YAY!" Now, I am hoping to finish and deliver a painting before we leave. 

When what you need can't be bought you gotta bring it!

I still need to get a raincoat, one with a hood, before we go.  James mentioned he wanted to pack 4 packages of yeast, 1 box of brown sugar, Advil, wash cloths, Dial soap, sponges, kneaded erases, and a special toothbrush.
His packing will be different from mine!
He already sent over, Worcestershire Sauce,  Light Soy Sauce, Frank's Hot Sauce chili powder, and vanilla......I say, "James, when in Rome?" Me, I am looking forward to Umbrian Olive Oil! So is he.

It seems that every year in the weeks leading up to departing I begin to feel we should not be going.
It is then that it is good to look back at the previous years photos and remember our time in Italy.

The water of Lake Trasimeno was very high after early spring rain last year. The lake is ever changing and more and more we enjoy spending time on or around the lake. Traveling to one of its 
islands or sipping a process at  bar on the shore.

The fields will be green, really green. I asked Katia what the crop was and she told me cereal, but what I think that really means is a type of wheat. Almond trees and apple trees will be in blossom. And there will be smoke in the air  coming from burning piles of pruned  olive wood.

High on the hill is Panicale, it feels like home.

On our walks we will be looking for wildflowers like these iris or tulipana. 

One of our first stops is to a local nursery to buy herbs and flowers. We make many visits to this place because I always need something else! James always obliges and drives me there!

A few weeks into our stay the wisteria will begin to show its color until it is full cloaked in purple and its perform fills the air. The wisteria here is gorgeous and  the pale yellow Lady Banks roses make a beautiful compliment  to the violet of wisteria.

Then there is the food!

Stuffed zucchini flowers

Mandarin  oranges, at least I think that is what they are!  Love the color!

Pecorino cheese many artichokes. I can't wait!


and wine.......

and more  Umbrian wine

This is a favorite view of ours from up in Panicle looking over the plane. It has shown up in several drawings over the years. Maybe I will paint it this year on one of the panels I am bringing.

and the people

We visit Bar Gallo everyday. Aldo and Daniela greet us ( and everyone else) coming in for the first caffe of the day. It is just so warm and lively there, although when we first arrive it will be quiet.That's OK by us after a year of work and stress!
We have met several of our friends here at Aldo's, and this continues.

Pure beauty.

James just came in to tell be he has added kitchen string  to his list of things to pack. I said that he can buy string at Linda's store, not the right kind, says he, and I just ordered a raincoat.

See you in the piazza soon, rain or shine.

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